Land Surveying on Mars: Using Earth-Based Tech to Map The Red Planet
18 MarchThe planet Mars has held the attention (and curiosity) of earthlings for decades. Ancient peoples, such as Greek and Romans, noticed the red planet and named it after their god of war (Ares for Greek and Mars for Roman). These ancient peoples had a knack for naming planets. The ravaged, cold landscape of Mars does →
What Can I Do If My Neighbor Builds on My Property?
26 FebruaryImagine this: you’ve finally found that white-picket fence, American dream of a house that you’ve always wanted and dreamed about, and then…your neighbor starts building on your property. Whether it’s a fence that cuts into your yard or you find your neighbor pruning what doesn’t belong to him, property disputes with neighbors are actually quite →
Are You Dealing With a Property Dispute? Land Surveying Can Help
24 JanuaryWhile there is typically a fence or barrier that tells commercial property owners where their land begins and ends, when a conflict coming from their neighbor arises, it can be complicated or downright impossible to settle the dispute. Many times these invisible borders aren’t enough to determine where one property owner’s land begins and where →