What a Land Surveyor Can Tell You About Your Property
28 DecemberA land surveyor has a wealth of information available and can tell you extensive details about your land. If you are considering doing any developments or making any improvements to land in Las Cruces or surrounding areas, you need to get a surveyor to help you first. Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. can provide all of the information that you need to be fully informed on the features of the land you own or are considering purchasing. A survey also offers great information for selling land.
What Can a Land Surveyor Tell You About Your Property
First and foremost, a land surveyor can tell you what the boundaries are on your property. You need to know exactly what plot of land you own in the Las Cruces area so you do not accidentally put any of your improvements onto property that is owned by someone else. Knowing boundaries is essential when land is sold. It’ also useful info if there is a dispute over who a given portion of a property belongs to. A land surveyor can also tell you much more than just where the boundaries are through.
A surveyor can tell you where easements and encumbrances are. You will also find out where the city has placed utility lines, what improvements previous owners made to the property. With certain types of surveys you can also find out what a property’s elevation is, and what the topographical features of a property are. All of this is essential because you don’t want to end up digging into utility lines, encroaching on easements, or unexpectedly purchasing a house or locating a building in a flood plane.
A survey for Land Planning
There will always be opportunity for city growth it is just a matter of defining where it is possible to grow. Sure there might be a lot of available land, however not all of it might be usable land; there’s where land planning comes in. Land planning involves a series of steps and procedures to determine if the land in question is a good fit for the client. You will also find out whether it’s a residential, commercial, or municipal client. The first thing to assert would be the quality and sustainability of the land. To do this, there are a series of surveys that can be done.
Landmark Professional Surveying Inc. offers a wide variety of surveys to provide you with the most accurate and up to date information about the land. You can purchase topography surveys, boundary surveys, and ALTA surveys (for inherited lands). A surveyor can also conduct land improvement surveys, state land surveys, as well as elevation certificates and right-of-way maps.
Getting Help from a Land Surveyor
Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. is here to help if you need an experienced land surveyor. Las Cruces property owners and those considering purchasing property in the area can contact us any time. We will be happy to schedule a survey to obtain detailed information about a given piece of property.
Why You Should Always Hire a Land Surveyor for Land Transactions
20 DecemberYou need to hire a land surveyor Odessa if you are going to be entering into any transactions. If you are selling a property, you may need a survey to know exactly what belongs to you and where the property lines are. You don’t want any unexpected surprises when it comes time to close the deal and you find out the sale can’t close because the title search shows you don’t own the whole property. You also need to hire a land surveyor if you are going to be buying a property so you will be aware of the complete bundle of rights you are acquiring. The good news is, Land-Mark Professional Surveying Inc. makes it easy to hire a land surveyor and get a survey done right.
Why Hire a Land Surveyor Odessa
You should hire Land-Mark Professional Surveying Inc. to make sure that you know where the property lines are so you don’t build on a neighbor’s land. You also need a surveyor to help you understand where utility lines and easements are on the property, and to assist you in exploring the topography of the property in-depth. If you are going to be buying a property by using bank financing, the lender will likely require a survey from a professional to protect their own interests. Which means you may have no choice but to hire a surveyor if you want the sale to go through. If you plan to develop land, you’ll also need a survey to explore the best sites for development and to address issues like drainage.
Surveying Your Land
We have been in business for over 25 years serving the Southwest area. Our clients consider us one of the most dependable and sought out companies for land surveying in the area. We have the experience and expertise you need. When you are ready for a professional land survey Odessa contact us. Call Land-mark Professional Surveying Inc. to find out how we can help you.
Legal Situations Requiring a Land Surveyor
29 NovemberA land surveyor may seem like a strange term, but there really is need for a land surveyor in Las Cruces. In places like Las Cruces where there is plenty of land that is uninhabited, it’s important to have land surveyed in order to know property boundaries. It’s also important before beginning a construction project. Here at LandMark Professional Surveying, we can help you with both.
A Land Surveyor in Las Cruces Can Help Determine Legal Boundaries
Someone may own a certain amount of property. Usually, they’ll know the exact size of the land. However, very few property owners are aware of exactly where their boundary lines are. A surveyor in Las Cruces can use special equipment to figure out just exactly where those legal boundaries are. A surveyor in Las Cruces, especially ours here at LandMark Professional Surveying, should use modern surveying techniques to determine legal boundary lines for property owners. Cities or private owners most commonly contract surveyors to measure land for a property sales and other such transactions related to land. Sometimes a lending company or band will require you to purchase a survey.
A Land Surveyor in Las Cruces Can Help Prepare for Construction
Whenever a construction project is about to begin, a land surveyor in Las Cruces will need to survey, or measure, the land. This is done so that the contractors and all parties involved are aware of the landscape. The measuring of the land is useful for construction companies when they begin to plan out just how they are going to execute a project. It’s vital that a construction company is aware of the 3-D measurements of property in order to properly build. It’s also important for a professional land surveyor in Las Cruces to be as precise as possible. We deliver precise and professional services at LandMark Professional Surveying.
If you need your land surveyed or measured professionally in Las Cruces, give us a call at LandMark Professional Surveying. We’d be happy to consult with you about surveying your property, as well as any of our other services. We hope to hear from you soon!
Selling? Here’s why you need a land surveyor in El Paso
8 NovemberA land surveyor is hardly a thought when it comes to selling a home in El Paso. Getting this work done before you move away and hand the title of your house to another owner would be a wise choice. A land survey is a legal document created by a land surveyor. It will give detailed information about the land and it’s boundaries. prerequisite to make sure there’s no issues. Experts like LandMark Professional Surveying, Inc. will be by your side through this process because they are the experienced land surveyors who understand how to get the job done quickly and efficiently in an affordable way.
Benefits of Hiring a Land Surveyor
If you are selling property without any buildings, it is still a great option to hire a surveyor to conduct a land survey. As a seller, this will benefit you greatly, because you will gain a better understanding of your land. You may be underestimating the value of what you are selling. Secondly, if you are buying a piece of land that hasn’t been surveyed, you may end up finding out the clear boundaries. The last thing you want is to purchase the property and then find out it was smaller than you expected. Obviously, everyone involved in any kind of El Paso real estate transaction wants to know exactly what they’re getting and selling for their money. But there is more to getting a good land survey done in the El Paso area than just that.
An excellent land surveyor will not only mark the boundaries of the property that you are buying and selling, they will be also be able to supply a variety of other services including a topographical survey. A professional land surveyor in El Paso like LandMark Professional Surveying, Inc, provides not only info about boundaries are but also how the property they are buying slopes and in what direction. This is helpful in case they are considering building a house or commercial property. It is that kind of extra info that is important to make sure you build in a location that the water slopes away from the foundation of the building after a good rain.
LandMark Professional Surveying, Inc.
Our company is trusted by many El Paso, Las Cruces, and Odessa residential and commercial property owners. This is due to our staff exercising the highest standards of surveying according to Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona laws. We maintain timely delivery of jobs requested. If you want a land surveyor with accuracy and expert knowledge we are here for you. Please contact us today.
Top Reasons You Need a Land Surveyor in Las Cruces
1 NovemberMany people who buy or own land in Las Cruces will need a land surveyor. If you need a land surveyor, it is important that you find a competent and qualified professional. You want someone who can conduct a survey and give you accurate results. Landmark Professional Surveying can conduct many different kinds of surveys for different purposes. Some of these include surveys of land you own or are thinking about buying. Please contact us to find out about the services we offer and to see if you need the assistance of a land surveyor.
Why Would You Need a Land Surveyor?
Land surveying is the measuring and mapping of a specific location utilizing specialized tools, technology, mathematics. Some of the special technology includes GPS, Theodolites also known as Robotic Total Stations, and terrestrial scanners to map out the environment. In an office setting special software is used as well. Throughout Las Cruces, there are many reasons why landowners or buyers will employ a land surveyor.
One possible reason is you need to due your due diligence before making a land purchase. If you plan to buy a plot, you want to know as much about it as you can. You want to know boundaries, topography, and whether there are any improvements on the land. A surveyor can tell you all of this. If you are going to be developing land, this is another top reason why you need a surveyor. You cannot develop the land properly until you know what the conditions are on the land and have a good idea of what you are working with. Finally, you may need a land surveyor because your bank advises you to get one. A bank which is providing a mortgage for the purchase of land or a loan for the development of land is usually going to require a survey be performed before money is loaned.
Working with a Land Surveyor
If you are buying or developing land in Las Cruces, you need a good land surveyor. You want to make certain the surveyor has impeccable credentials, especially if your bank is requiring the survey. Our experts at Landmark Professional Surveying conduct many different types of surveys. We have the background and reputation necessary to ensure we do the survey process right. Contact us today to find out more.
Do I Need to Hire a Land Surveyor or Can I Do It Myself?
23 September If you are buying or developing a property, you need a professional land surveyor in Odessa. Surveying is a highly technical art form and surveyors receive extensive training. They have knowledge of how to conduct surveys in accordance with appropriate standards, and they understand the requirements of surveying land to satisfy requirements by banks or zoning boards. Here at Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc., we have extensive experience and can provide the professional help you need to protect your property investment.
Why You Need to Hire a Land Surveyor in Odessa
You need to hire a land surveyor in Odessa when buying land if: land is going to be subdivided; a mortgage loan inspection is necessary; you are building a house; you are building any structure or making any improvements close to the property line; if you are securing permits or insurance including title insurance; or if there is a question about the location of the property line.
You cannot do the survey yourself unless you are credentialed and you have an understanding of formal protocols for performing and recording an accurate survey. Most banks, permit offices, insurers, and zoning boards have strict requirements in regards to the qualifications of surveyors in order to make sure everything is right. Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. has the credentials necessary to prepare a survey that financial and governmental institutions will accept.
Getting Help from Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc.
You cannot afford to take a chance and try to conduct a survey yourself when mistakes can be so costly. With this in mind, choose a professional land surveyor in Odessa at Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. You can also have a consummate professional perform your survey. So, don’t leave it up to chance, let the professionals do the hard work for you. Contact Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. today!
How Does a Land Surveyor Actually Survey the Land?
26 August If you want to work on land in Las Cruces, you will want a land surveyor in Las Cruces. The work of a land surveyor still mystifies the general public. Land-Mark Professional Surveying, a land surveying company in the area, knows well what it takes to survey a piece of land. Modern land surveying involves sophisticated tools that enable the land surveyor to make very accurate measurements on land or sea.
The History of Land Surveying
Land surveying has been around since man started working on land and marking boundaries. In Egypt, the construction of pyramids has been proven to need the accuracy of a land surveyor. Today tools like GPS markers and Robotic Total Stations enable surveying over any terrain with great precision.
Instruments a Land Surveyor Uses
A land surveyor relies on specialized equipment like the Total Station. Based on the theodolite, which measures angles on the horizontal and vertical plane, the Total Station is a modern instrument. By using electronic distance measurements or EDM, Robotic Total Stations are fully automated. Furthermore, they also connect to a GPS for more accuracy. Surveyors also use specialized land surveying software that uses 3D modeling. With the help of programs like Auto CAD to translate collected data, surveyors can make full 3D diagrams and maps.
Steps in Surveying
There are several steps a land surveyor in Las Cruces must take to create a map. The first of which is to measure distance. Horizontal distance is the first taken from point to point using EDM. The surveyor can also use tachometry which is the science of measuring the angle between two objects with a known size. Because land terrain will always be at different angles, surveyors use the theodolite to take horizontal measurements. The last step is to level the different height measurements using the GPS.
A land surveyor in Las Cruces has a complicated job that could take weeks to complete. So, if you are looking to build on open land, a surveyor can give you vital information on the area. As an experienced surveying business, Land-Mark Professional Surveying can provide accurate information on any land you want to build on.
Top 3 Situations That Require a Land Surveyor
10 JuneHiring a land surveyor in Las Cruces makes sense in a wide variety of different real estate transactions. You need to ensure you have a surveyor who can provide you with the information you need about a piece of property before you make plans to either purchase the property or to develop the property. If there is a dispute regarding the boundary lines on a piece of property, getting a comprehensive professional survey done is also important for property owners to protect their interest in the land. Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. can provide you with the help that you need to make sure you understand exactly what your interests in the property are and what kinds of development can be done.
When to Hire a Land Surveyor
The three most important situations in which you need to hire a land surveyor in Las Cruces are:
- Before a property is purchased
- Whenever you are planning to develop the property
- When you are involved in a boundary dispute
It’s important to hire a surveyor before a property purchase so you will understand exactly what your money is buying you. The bank is usually going to require a survey before lending you money and you will need to provide a survey to the title insurance company so that any disputes on the land are cleared. You will also need a land surveyor in Las Cruces to get the correct layout of the land. This helps you have an idea of its specific layout and reduce any property issues with nearby neighbors.
Getting Help from a Land Surveyor in Las Cruces
Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. can provide the help you need to understand your rights to a piece of land as well as so much more. These are just a few reasons it is a good idea to consult with a land surveyor in Las Cruces. Reach out to us to find out how we can help you get exactly what you need the next time you are in a situation that requires the help of a land surveyor. Contact us today!
A Land Surveyor in Odessa, TX Will Guide You When Building a Home
2 MayThere’s lots of people you’ll need on your team when you decide to build a home and one of the most important is a land surveyor in odessa tx. It doesn’t matter what kind of interior decorators and contractors you use if you put the home that you’ve built in the wrong location.
At Land-Mark Professional Surveying Inc., we not only mark out the territory where you can build your house without any worry about encroaching on your neighbor’s property, but we are trained professionals who have an eye for easements and other government land uses that you want to steer clear from. A good company that understands how to do a good job is highly valuable. This will also be involved in your home building project right from the beginning. A land surveyor in odessa tx that understands all the different nuances to any project will be involved right from the construction phase by staking out your lot.
We have a variety of other capabilities including topographic surveys which can tell you the best ways to plan the drainage around your new home. Right-of-way maps and elevation certificates are just two of the many products that should be available.
Land Mark Survey is a land surveyor in odessa tx that has been providing professional high quality surveys since 1991. We have a range of different capabilities and a portfolio of the projects we have worked on in the past. We pride ourselves on dependable professional service at the highest level. Contact us today!
How a Land Survey in Las Cruces May Benefit You
29 AprilThere are several different reasons why you need a land survey in Las Cruces done. You might be buying a new property and want to avoid any hassles with your new neighbors over where that apple tree actually is and who really owns the shed at the far end of the adjoining land. At Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. we can help you avoid these types of disputes with professional land surveying.
A Land Survey in Las Cruces helps You Avoid Disputes
Quite often a land survey in Las Cruces is a legal requirement and you’ll need to have one done even if you’ve bought a smaller home in the city. It is important that you have one of these professional surveys done so that you can feel confident knowing exactly where the boundary lines are for you new property. These land surveys should also show you if there are any easements or other government right of ways on your property.
Topographical Survey
There are other kinds of land surveys that are equally important and one is what’s called a topographical survey. These are important for contractors and other builders who need to understand not only the boundaries of the land but the topographical features like the grade that can affect the way drainage is affected.
At Land-Mark Professional Surveying Inc., we have all the qualified licenses and strict knowledge requirements to be able to carry out a land survey in Las Cruces. We can carefully assess your property for accurate boundary lines and keep a record of every measurement we take. Contact us today!