Land Surveying: The Best First Step You Can Take
15 JulyFor many people, owning land is a lifelong dream. If you’ve achieved this dream, you need to look into land surveying services before you break ground and start construction. This way, you won’t face any nasty legal battles in the future. You see, avoiding surveying your land can cause adjacent landowners to seek legal ramifications against you, which can quickly turn your dream of being a landowner into a nightmare.
The Best First Step
When buying land, most people have a somewhat vague understanding of where their land’s borders are. The land seller might’ve said that the land is a few acres across, but how are you to know exactly where your land ends and your neighbor’s beings? This is where we come into play. By using state-of-the-art technology, Land-Mark Professional Land Surveying is able to provide the most accurate information so your dream can proceed without a single hitch. Our services are reliable. In fact, countless individuals and companies alike rely on us for all their land surveying needs.
It’s Time To Get Started!
So, if you’re ready to get started on the right foot, give us a call! We always strive to offer top-notch service to our clients. In fact, we also love talking about our services and processes so you can be as enlightened in the art of land surveying as us! Nothing should stand in your way when it comes to achieving your dreams. Contact Land-Mark Professional Land Surveying today.
Where Technology and Infrastructure Meet
15 JuneSince 1991 Land-Mark has been at the forefront of the land surveying industry. A lot has changed since 1991, of course. In the early nineties, very few people could imagine that their cumbersome beepers would be transformed into sophisticated mobile devices capable of helping them navigate unknown territory (figuratively and literally), facilitate immediate communication across the globe, provide up-to-date news, take decent photographs, and store hundreds of bits of information. Similarly, technology has found its way to land-surveying and other relevant industries, providing equipment that increases accuracy and efficiency.
We use a variety of equipment, depending on the specific job, land, and project at hand. One of our trusted partners includes the company TopCon. These guys are highly innovative and perfectionists in developing new systems and equipment to improve the construction and planning of infrastructure and land planning. Topcon provides the positioning technology for surveyors, civil engineers, construction contractors, equipment owners, and operators. The geospatial solutions from Topcon have the most in-depth precision measurement for land mapping and surveying.
The Use of Digital Systems in Construction, Infrastructure, and Mapping
As land surveyors, Land-Mark is at the opening stages of a construction project. We form, however, part of the bigger picture that is all infrastructure building and construction. The use of technology in all stages of the construction industry has improved construction’s accuracy, safety, and efficiency.
In 1927, as TopCon points out, the world had 2 billion people. Only about one hundred years later did that number rise all the way to 7 billion. This means thousands of more acres developed, millions of more buildings erected, hundreds of more cities extended and expanded, and a constant and consistent demand for better and smarter building solutions.
A Few Amazing Examples….
Building great structures has always come at a human cost. There is not only a demand for human toil and labor but a high risk of accidents and injuries in any construction site. Any great building or structure you can think up has come at a cost of human lives. Some projects have been more successful than others. The Golden Gate bridge, for example, had 11 laborers died, a neighboring bridge, the Oakland Bay Bridge, had 28 people die in its construction. The World Trade Centers had 60 construction deaths. Recent technology, however, has allowed engineers to survey an area using drone technology without putting human lives at risk. A TopCon project to repair the Great Wall of China would have required workers to traverse a dangerous area. Instead, they sent a drone that was able to take thousands of high-resolution images that could then be input into a 3-D model, that was then used to examine the area and determine what needed to be done.
Measurement instruments have improved the ability for land surveyors like ourselves to enhance our workflow and improve our accuracy. Another great thing that technology offers is that added guarantee of accurate measurements and absolute efficiency. Land-Mark personnel is trained in a variety of high-tech and highly-specialized equipment that will ensure the proper mapping and measurements of your land project.
Explore the Wonders of Accurate Land Surveyors
So whether it is expanding a university campus in the middle of the growing El Paso central area or any other construction project in Las Cruces or Odessa, we are here to provide the most accurate topographic, stand land, improvement, and above and below grown surveying in the Southwest. Call Land-Mark today and find out more about our exciting projects in the area, both private and government work, that will show our dedication and find out about what we can do for your upcoming project.
Digging Deep Into Land Surveying | Looking Beyond Boundaries
17 MayLand surveying may seem like a simple, easily explainable task but it provides much-needed information for a variety of instances. By making these precise measurements, surveyors are able to determine property boundaries, thus avoiding any legal disputes over who owns which part of the land. Land surveyors are mostly used prior to land development. They’re basically the cartographers who draw a map upon which architects will be able to build the dreams of the land owner. Surveyors, along with their handy theodolites, are able to determine boundaries, but they can also do so much more. Keep reading to learn more about the various types of land surveyors out there.
Forensic Surveyors
Not all surveyors measure land to determine boundaries. Forensic surveyors, for example, use their skills to survey and record scenes of accidents. This is done in order to determine potential landscape effects.
Geodetic Surveyors
Ever wonder how maps like Google Earth come to be? Well, geodetic surveyors play a major role in these aspects. By using highly advanced technology, geodetic surveyors are able to measure large areas of Earth. Satellite and aerial observations give the surveyor an astronaut’s point of view, thus giving them the ability to measure Earth itself.
Hydrographic Surveyors
From space, we now go into the ocean itself. Hydrographic surveyors (also known as marine surveyors) use their surveying skills to study harbors and other bodies of water. This is done in order to determine shorelines. Hydrographic surveyors also determine the topography of the ocean floor and water depth, among many other features.
Mine Surveyors
The title speaks for itself but mine surveyors use their surveying abilities to map the tunnels that make up mines underground. They can also survey surface mines in order to determine how many materials have been mined.
Land Surveyors for Your Needs
The wide world of land surveying is incredibly exciting. And, thanks to advancements in technology, land surveyors are now able to survey more efficiently than ever before. It’s necessary to point out that the most common of land surveyors partake in the art of determining boundaries, and they take great pride in helping landowners avoid legal disputes. Our team, at Land-Mark Land Surveying, holds the importance of land surveying close to our hearts. Let us guide the way and shine a light with our theodolites. Contact Land-Mark Land Surveying today to learn more about what we can do for you.
The Path Forward: Understanding the Importance of Land Surveying
19 AprilHere’s a fun fact for you, did you know that three of the four presidents immortalized on Mount Rushmore were land surveyors? It’s true. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln were all proud of land surveyors. It’s a beautiful thought; these men who basically build the America we know and love today also played their part in literally surveying America’s own land. The importance of land surveyors goes as far back as history immemorial. If you’re looking for land surveying assistance in the Southwest region, give Land-Mark Professional Land Surveyors a call!
What Goes Into Land Surveying
Although there have been many advancements in modern technology that have made land surveying as accurate as possible, the basic tenets of land surveying are the same as they were in Washington’s day. The measuring of properties and land in order to determine boundaries is as important in this day and age as it was back when the Louisiana Purchase first went through. Let’s say you purchased some land and you plan to develop said land. Before doing so, you must have it surveyed by a professional land surveyor. Avoiding this can lead to many issues in the future.
The Right First Step
Just imagine, you buy land, develop it, and build a shopping center over it. Then, a few years later, you find out the person who owns the plot of land adjacent to yours wants to develop it as well and a land surveyor determines you built on the neighboring land. This will undoubtedly lead to litigation and other legal issues you’d rather avoid. So, before breaking ground, hire a land surveyor. With their findings, you’ll be able to take the first steps towards building whatever you may have in mind. Even if you’re not currently planning on developing your land, it’s still a good idea to have it surveyed. This information will be incredibly useful, no matter what you plan to do with your land.
Putting Your Best Foot Forward
If you’re ready to partake in the century-long tradition of land surveying, then contact Land-Mark Land Surveying! We are the area’s foremost land surveying team which means our work is second to none. When it comes to land surveying, it’s in your best interest to not cut corners; the end result may be more harmful than good and you’ll have to face the negative ramifications further on down the road. Let our team survey your land so you can move ahead with your dreams, whatever they may be.
How Land Surveyors Shaped (and Continue to Shape) America
21 NovemberLet’s transport ourselves to middle school history class. Do you recall the term “manifest destiny?” This was a 19th-century belief that the United States had a destiny (appointed by God) to expand across the entire North American continent. This was much more than a physical expansion of the nation; it was an expansion of the democracy and capitalism that was the foundation of the United States. Manifest destiny was much more than a belief, as it became a reality rather quickly. The Louisiana Purchase in 1803 doubled the size of the young United States, kicking manifest destiny into gear. Soon afterward, the famous Lewis and Clark expedition took place. Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were both land surveyors (amongst many other things) so they were the perfect candidates for such an expedition. This is just one example of the importance of land surveyors in America’s history.
How the Dominion of the United States Spread from East to West
The United States acquired large parts of Mexico in the early and mid 19th century. By 1846, we acquired the Oregon Territory thanks to a treaty with Great Britain. By 1850, the United States had grown to the size it is today. Fewer than 100 years after we declared independence from England, the United States ostensibly quadrupled in size. This is where land surveyors came into play. With so much land available, it was necessary for land surveyors to document each piece of the new America. Many land surveyors actually went on to become presidents of the United States. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln all held the title of land surveyor. In fact, it was Thomas Jefferson who sent Lewis & Clark on their famous expedition of the Louisiana Purchase.
Land Surveyors Continue Making History
Although the days of early America are far behind us, land surveying still plays a major role in our modern society. Today, land surveyors pinpoint where your particular land begins and ends so you won’t accidentally build over someone else’s land. Surveyors are able to set boundaries as well. Many things have changed since the days of Lewis & Clark. Now, we’re able to use highly advanced technology to garner the most accurate readings. If you own land and want to begin developing it, make sure to speak with a land surveyor from Land-Mark Professional Surveying. We offer our services to clients in the Southwest regions of El Paso and New Mexico. When you partake in land surveying, you’re partaking in American history!
3 Reasons Surveying Your Property is a Good Idea
16 September
When building over land, you will want first to find a surveyor who is knows about surveying in El Paso property. This is important because a knowledgeable surveyor can give you pertinent information about the property. Here at Land-Mark Professional Surveying, we want you to avoid as many problems as possible. Here are a few things a survey can tell you about a property before you begin to dig.
Surveying El Paso for Boundary Lines
When inspecting a property for purchase or to add onto, you will want to know where the borders reach. Often, it will not be enough to take physical measurements of the building. That is because legally, the property could either extend further beyond the border or closer within it. If it extends further, you can make better use of the space you have. If the border is smaller than anticipated, you may be encroaching on nearby properties. This can become a hassle if neighbors ever survey their own property and find out you withheld information.
Surveying for Zoning Classification
If you are planning on building or buying a building for industrial purposes, a survey can help. Because every city has classified different zones for different purposes, you may not be able to build. For example, if you want to maintain a small farm in your backyard there will be laws prohibiting you. Specifically, a farm belongs in agricultural zones as opposed to a residential zone where your home is.
Utility Company’s Rights
Another advantage to surveying El Paso properties is finding out what equipment a utility company has on your property. If a water company has already built a pipeline underneath the property, they could prevent you from building. While it may not be a problem at first, they can potentially use your property for any repairs. Similarly, if there are electric lines overhead, an electric company can prevent you from growing trees there.
By surveying El Paso property first, you can avoid all of these problems. When you decide to build in El Paso, it is important to find a surveyor with plenty of experience. Land-Mark Professional Surveying has been in business for over 25 years. Our trained professionals can find out if your property may run into trouble in the near or distant future.
The History of the Boundary Survey
2 September Boundary surveys in El Paso identify the outer edges of a plot of land. The purpose is to make sure that the owner of the plot of land knows what pieces of ground are theirs and where their property ends. Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. can provide assistance with boundary surveys in El Paso. The practice of surveying dates back even before people began building structures. Now, in the modern age, Land-Mark Professional Surveying can help.
History of Surveying
In 2,500 B.C., prehistoric surveyors set Stonehenge’s area with Peg and Rope geometry. Surveys, therefore, date back at least this far. When it comes to boundary surveys specifically, ancient Egyptians used to use simple geometry and a rope structure to conduct this type of survey. The rope structure and the geometric tools would re-establish the boundaries of lands after the Nile River flooded each year. In ancient Rome, land surveyors were professionals. With the developing of more tools, the modern surveying process began. And, in 1620, Gunter’s Chain was first introduced to make it possible for plots of land to be surveyed for both legal purposes as well as for commercial purposes. The long tradition of surveying began so long ago continues to this day.
Boundary Surveys in El Paso
And now, many years later, land surveys and boundary surveys are as important as ever. They are used for the same common reasons as they were back in ancient times. It is still as crucial as ever to have these important surveys done on your land. So, if you are buying, selling, or improving a plot of land, boundary surveys in El Paso will arm you with the information that you need to go into the transaction fully informed. We can provide you with the boundary surveying help you require. Contact Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. today!
Why Would You Need to Survey State Land?
22 JulyState land surveys in El Paso can be tedious and difficult. For this reason, being in partnership with a good team is crucial for success. Landmark Professional Surveying Inc. is by far the best candidate for the job. We provide services using only the latest in technology and easy and comprehensible drafting approach.
What Goes Into State Land Surveys
State land surveys are incredibly useful and important. With the surveys, the state is able to determine which land would best fit state institutions. These institutions may include, for example, new schools or hospitals. You may not realize that the building a state projects requires many hands on deck. City officials, district managers and construction firms can make it a long and arduous process to go through. However, once all the permits have been approved, it’s time to get started. To begin with, you must find a company that will help you survey the land and determine its usefulness and sustainability.
The Experienced Required for The Best Results
Landmark Professional Surveying Inc. offers state land surveys, specialized for state related projects. In fact, Landmark Professional Surveying Inc. has over 20 years of experience in the field. Highly trained professionals make up our team. We will deliver the best quality work in a timely manner. We use only the latest technology to provide the most accurate information possible. Now, like any other business, state land surveys are very much a requirement before construction even begins. Even more important given that it’s a state project and probably will be using state budget to construct. Therefore, the right preparation is necessary. So, we can assure how correctly everything will be done.
Save time and prepare early! Contact Landmark Professional Surveying Inc. now. Be ahead of the game with the best team of professionals behind you every step of the way.
What to do to Prepare for Land Development in El Paso, TX
8 JulyWhen developing a concept and a plan for any type of construction it is essential to first begin with a land development plan to assert if the project is plausible one in the space of land chosen for such project. Sure, location is a primal factor in the construction of any project. However—through careful research and surveying—it becomes clear that the land might not be entirely suitable. For this reason, it is of the utmost importance to prepare for land development ahead of time and with the best team possible. Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. can help those who will begin land development in El Paso, TX.
The Best Team for Land Development
Land development is most definitely a team effort, there are a lot of people involved in the process at the various stages of it. When developing land you are essentially altering the landscape, you are making a permanent change on the surface of the earth. Therefore, you need the best team possible to ensure everything will be done correctly and efficiently. When partnering with an experienced surveying company look no further than Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc.
The Knowledge Necessary for Outstanding Land Development
At Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. you’ll find the best, most hardworking trained professionals who will ensure your project gets the best attention. With a variety of surveys, the professionals at Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. know everything from boundaries of the land to any improvements made in the land over the years.
Contact Land-Mark Professional Surveying, Inc. and discover what they have to offer and how they can help you go through your project with ease.
Why Are State Land Surveys Needed?
22 FebruaryUndertaking the building of a new school is a project many people are involved with from beginning to end. This includes city or town officials, district managers, a construction firm and a company dealing in state land surveys, like Landmark Professional Surveying. This last addition is one not many people think about, but one essential to the whole building process. Once a district gets approval and a construction site is found, one of the first orders of business is to verify the land on which you intend to build. Building a new school is a great idea to mold future generations. Here are just a few reasons why you need to make state land surveys a priority:
Getting construction staking done right the first time is a necessity. You need to make sure you know exactly where your allotted land begins and ends before you start laying in the foundation. Finding the right survey company is the first step in making sure that everything runs smoothly right from the start.
When you use Landmark Professional Surveying, we use all of the latest technology like total stations that ensure the land locations and other necessities for your school are accurate and efficient.
A good surveying company will have a clearly laid out process that is easy to understand. Landmark Professional Surveying has dependable drafting capabilities so the finished product will be clear and easy to understand.
Landmark Professional Surveying is the clear choice for dependable, accurate land surveying. We have been in business since 1991 and are the industry leader when it comes to state land surveys in El Paso. Contact us today to find out more about our surveying services.